Josh Turner’s New “Man Cave”

| August 5, 2012

For the past two years, Josh Turner has been hard at work building a place he calls his “Writer’s Cottage.”  But when he describes it, you realize it’s more of his personal man cave.  He spoke to Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton:

“I built a log cabin on my property, and call it my writer’s cottage, and I built it specifically to write songs in and keep my music stuff in.  When I got it finished, I started writing, and I wrote about 27 songs in there, and 8 of those songs ended up on this album.  One of my greatest fears after I built it was would my writer buddies be willing to drive all the way out here, because they were thinking it was a humble cabin, but when they came out, my writer buddies now prefer to write at my cottage, because it’s so comfortable.  I wanted it to be right, I wanted it to be nice.  So 8 of the songs we wrote ended up on this album, so this album will always be special because of that.”

So describe this writer’s cottage: “It’s a little over 1700 square feet, it’s two stories, it’s got a wrap-around porch, a big stone chimney fireplace, it’s real masculine, there’s a lot of professional momentoes, a lot of personal effects, my awards and plaques, that sort of things. When you walk in you can see what kind of artist I am, and what’s special to me, it’s a place for me to go and get inspired, and think without any phones, TV or children.  It’s a place to go to enjoy the quiet and come up with melodies and lyrics.”

How much of it was a way to get your stuff out of the house? “Quite a bit of it, cause I thought of how much stuff I had, and one room wasn’t going to cut it.  I didn’t want to write in my house not so much for me, but I didn’t want to subject songwriters to it, because I try to separate the business stuff from the personal stuff.  It’s hard to do, but when I can, I do it.”

You can see Josh Turner’s writer’s cottage halfway in to this video:



Category: Audio, VIDEO

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