Brantley Describes His New Home

| July 8, 2012

Most country music singers live in Nashville.  But when Brantley Gilbert built his dream home, he decided to put it in Georgia.  He told Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton that he loves Nashville, and loves the music community, but wanted the home to be more of a getaway: “People have been begging me to move to Nashville, but my roots are in Georgia.  I love Nashville, but we started this thing in Georgia, this whole style we’ve built, and going home when I get a break is getting grounded for me, it’s a way to get away for a second, I get on my motorcycles with my brothers, and we ride, clear my head, and it’s a special place for me.”

Brantley just moved into his new home a couple weeks ago, and was very hands-on in the design: “It’s a log home, I’d always wanted a log home.  I’ve got an all-wood music room.  That’s where I’m going to put my guitars, it’ll be my writing room where I’ll hang my plaques, I’ll put some couches in there, and I’ll also put a desk in there, although I don’t know why.  I don’t know what I would use a desk for.  I don’t write songs at desks.”

LISTEN: 12-28 Brantley2


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