Miranda & Gaga & Randaritas

| May 5, 2012

You’ve probably seen the photo of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton seated next to Lady Gaga at this year’s Grammy Awards.  From the photo, one might think Gaga wasn’t too pleased with the country couple.  But Miranda gave a completely different story when she co-hosted Country Countdown USA with Lon Helton: “It was kinda cool that we got to sit next to her.  She really is so nice, she’s pretty normal.  We talked about cooking and music, and she was really nice.  I actually cover one of her songs in my show, “You & I,” I always thought it would be a great country song.  I told her that I flew my brother and some friends to see Gaga in Raleigh last year, and we went as fans, I bought tickets on line, we wore wigs, and partied in the balcony and had a blast!  I respect her as an artist and standing out.  It takes guts to be that way.”

So what else were you doing at the Grammy Awards?  “I was making her randoritas, which is Bacardi and raspberry lemonade,  Crystal Light with a splash of Sprite Zero.  And I wasn’t making them, Jordan my tour manager was making the drinks, and she kissed him in front of everybody.  She was really excited about those drinks!”

LISTEN: 12-19 Miranda6


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