Band Perry Meet The President

| February 5, 2012

It’s an honor to meet the President of the United States.  But it’s an even more amazing honor to meet him twice within one month!  That’s what happened to The Band Perry last year.  First, they performed at the White House for a PBS-TV special.  A few weeks later, they did another TV special called “Christmas In Washington.”  Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton asked if The President remembered them: “He did!  In fact, the First Lady had looked at our calendar, and said ‘Whoo! You are busy!’  We performed in the East Room, and they have these two portraits of George and Martha Washington.  They are the Mona Lisa of our country, and anyone could touch them.” But there was one big concern for Kimberly while she was singing: “I was fear-stricken all night.  We were singing about 2 to 3 feet from the President.  We were that close.  And I spit a lot when I sing, and I spent the whole night trying not to spit on the President.  And I didn’t! We’re good.”

LISTEN: 12-06 Perry5

Lon asked, Do you find yourself always watching the President? “We did, but there was this bizarre moment when Kris Kristofferson was singing ‘Me & Bobbie McGee, which is one of our favorites, and then we got to sing with him, so here we are on stage, singing Me & Bobbie McGee with Kris Kristofferson IN the White House!  What is happening here?”

Let’s talk about meeting the President.  How does that work? “It’s similar to our meet & greet.  There is a line, but instead of venue security, there is the Secret Service.  But you meet him, and you chat a little bit.  But they make a presentation to us, and it was a surreal thing.  It was a moment we’ll never forget.  It was a very warm moment.  I can’t wait to see the picture.  We haven’t gotten it yet.”

LISTEN: 12-06 Perry6

Did you do a tour of the White House? Kimberly said, “I went to the China Room, which has all the china from Washington to Obama.  It was interesting to see the different styles.  Lincoln had a lot of purple on it.”  Neil added: “I went to the bathroom through the President’s Library, and on the wall was Washington’s original sabre, in the library leading to the bathroom.” “We were in the Green Room, which is actually green, and there’s this portrait of Washington, and it’s the actual portrait on the dollar bill!”


Category: Audio, VIDEO

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