Eric Church Writes With Toby

| January 7, 2012

Eric Church spent last summer on the road with Toby Keith.  When Toby co-hosted the Countdown back in October, he told Lon that he wrote a song with Eric called “Reverend Jack Daniels and the Congregation of the Chemically Altered Mind.”  So when Eric was in the studio, we played that story for him. “True story!  Guilty!  It’s a title I had, and I love stuff like that. It’s a great song, we had a great time writing it.  We’ll see if it ends up on anyone’s record.  We actually wrote two songs, but apparently he’s forgotten about the other one. That one’s apparently not gonna get cut by anyone.  I was a little apprehensive doing it, because it’s one of those things where you walk up on Toby’s bus and it’s your moment to give your idea, and you’re baring your soul, and you hope he gets what you’re doing, and if not, you’re shot down.  But I said ‘Hey man I got this idea,’ and I gave him the first line, and when I said it to him, everyone was quiet, and he goes, ‘Hey man, that’s thick! Let’s do it!’  So we started in writing it, and Toby’s a great writer.  It’s fun to do some songwriting as two performers.  I walked up, grabbed my guitar, and was totally prepared to get shot down.  But if I was gonna go for one, I was gonna go down swinging.”

LISTEN: 12-02 Eric1

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