Brett Eldredge Keeps It Interesting

| March 21, 2015

Brett sharkdivingLast summer, when Brett Eldredge had his second #1 with “Beat Of The Music,” he celebrated by swimming with sharks.  He commemorated his first #1, “Don’t Ya,” by jumping out of a moving airplane.  This week on Country Countdown USA, Lon Helton asked Brett which was more terrifying? “Skydiving is scarier than shark diving.  Shark diving is such a rush, but it’s so relaxing in a way.  There’s 10 foot sharks down there.  And you’re without a cage, and you’re surrounded by them.  And they’re bumping into you and hitting you in the face with their tails, not on purpose, but they’re just in their own world.”

So the question is what will Brett do if “Mean To Me” goes #1?  “I’ve got a couple ideas, but there’s one I’m fascinated by called ‘Dinner In The Sky.‘  It’s where you hang from a crane 300 feet in the air.  You invite some friends, and you’re strapped in your chair, and your feet are dangling, and you eat a five course meal hanging in the air.  I’m hoping they have a lot of booze up there!”

We’ll find out for sure next week if Brett has his third straight #1 hit.



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