Brad Paisley On Robin Williams

| August 12, 2014

Brad RobinEarlier this year, Brad Paisley appeared on The Crazy Ones, a TV show that starred Robin Williams.  The episode was titled “Danny Chase Hates Brad Paisley.”  In April, Brad spoke with Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton about his experiences with Robin Williams:

Did you get to chat with him?  Yes, I’ve admired him for a long time.  Who hasn’t?  He is a legendary comedian.

Had you met him before?  Yes.  What’s funny is, I had to sing a song several times in the show, we’d do several takes, and Robin would start adlibbing the words.  He’d go, ‘She’d walk in the room, and she wasn’t wearin’ nothing,’ she walked in the room, and I tell you she was something.’  And I’d just play chords, and he’d make up a dirty song.  That’s on tape somewhere, but I doubt they put it anywhere, because it was pretty racy.   He was back to the stand-up act.

Didn’t you tell me you didn’t like acting? I don’t like acting, but I like comedy.  I like anything that makes people act, so I don’t think I’m acting on The Crazy Ones.

Did you know the title was going to be “Danny Chase Hates Brad Paisley? ” Yes.  They originally wrote me this episode where it was me and Josh Grobin, and Josh was a jingle writer, and he was a timid geek in the first one, but he’s become a monster with a little success.  They wanted me to play myself, and it would be flattering, and I told them I wanted to be a caricature of myself.  Make me a money hungry egotistical guy.  That would be more fun for me.  It’s harder to be myself.  I also said I want to punch out Josh Grobin.  So they wrote a great script.  I had a great time, and I said any chance I get to stand next to Robin Williams, I’ll do anything.

When news of Robin’s death was announced on Monday afternoon, Brad tweeted: “Devastated right now. Loved you Robin.”


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