Chris Young: Shots With Strait

| July 13, 2014

GeorgeStrait 3-21-14 3Earlier this year, Chris Young had a chance to do a few shows with George Strait on the Cowboys Rides Away Tour.  As you can imagine, it was a dream come true for him.  Chris talked about it when he co-hosted Country Countdown USA with Lon Helton: “I did a shot of tequila with George Strait.  It’s even cool saying just that. Like, ‘Yeah, me & George shoot tequila together.’  But I did a couple of shows with him, one in Portland, one in Takoma.  But the first show was in the Takomadome, and it’s set up in the round.  I don’t know what it was about that night in particular, but they were into my show.  Before the end of my show, I was saying ‘thank you’ to them.  I said, ‘This is something I’ve always wanted to do, a lot of people would say they dreamed of opening for George Strait.  Not only did I have a chance to open for him, but you’ve treated me like it was my show.’  And the people started standing up, and literally it was an honest to God, front to back, everybody stood up and gave me a standing ovation, getting to open for George Strait.  It was one of the coolest nights of my life, it really was.  Afterwards, George said, ‘Come on over and have a shot of tequila with me.'”

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