Keith Urban’s Hot Nashville Night

| September 7, 2013

Keith 9-6-13 2Keith Urban loves to play.  And he really loves to play in his hometown.  So Friday night, Keith did a series of shows in Nashville to launch his new album “Fuse.”  The night began at a new riverfront amphitheater, where he did a 45 minute set featuring several songs from his forthcoming CD.  After giving what he called the “virgin performance” of a song called “Cop Car” and “Even The Stars Fall 4 You,” he announced a special guest: Eric Church.  Their duet, “Raise ‘Em Up,” is also on the new album, and is a poignant song for the two proud pops.  After Eric left, Keith continued for a few more songs, and then ended that portion of the night.  Keith Eric 9-6-13 2

He was whisked by a large black SUV across a nearby bridge to downtown Nashville, where he emerged to play the first of three small honky tonks.  The triple-play began at Legends Corner, then a brisk walk a few doors down to the historic Tootsie’s Orchid Lounge.  There, under the watchful gaze of Hank Williams and other legends, he brought out another surprise guest: Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler.  They jammed on a couple songs, including “Walk This Way,” before Keith left for The Stage.

Throughout the night, Keith was communicating with his fans via Twitter.  He also tweeted photos from the venues.  When it was over, he tweeted: “Serious mayhem ensued on Lower Broadway last nite – I dreamt that @IamStevenT sat in with us at @tootsiesnet – whaaaaat???? -KU”  The amphitheater show was streamed live on Yahoo, and was even broadcast live on a billboard in  Times Square!

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