Thomas Rhett Rescuses Kip Moore

| July 28, 2013

Thomas RhettKip Moore credits newcomer Thomas Rhett for rescuing him after a late night Nashville party.  Kip told the story to Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton: “There was a party downtown, and I happened to have a few drinks, and I usually roam off by myself when that happens.  So I was sitting on the curb by myself, and Thomas happens to roll  by in his truck.  He shouts out, ‘Hey didn’t you write a song called somethin’ about a truck?’  I was catching a cab, and he goes, ‘I know you got a ride somewhere.’  So I hopped in with him, and we went to some hole in the wall bar and had some more drinks by ourselves.  That was more our style.  So he’s a good cat.”



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