Kip Moore’s Terrifying Moment

| July 28, 2013

KipMoore 6-7-13Kip Moore had a terrifying moment at the CMA Music Fest last month.  He shared it with Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton: “That was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had as a singer songwriter, playing in front of 70,000 people was overwhelming.  But what people do not know about that night is it was also the most terrifying for me as a performer, where my guitar amp blew as I walked on stage.  So I had no amp for the first two songs, and I carry the first two songs myself, just me and the drummer.  I carry the opening riffs.  So as I walked out, I was in panic, I was in complete panic.  I yelled at my guitar player to carry my riff, because I had nothing.  So it took a while for them to get another amp and get the chord out to me.  It was a nightmare for a minute.  I had to act like I was enjoying what was going on.  Of all nights for this to happen!   I literally wanted to crawl in a hole and disappear for a minute.”

LISTEN  13-30 Kip2

You can see Kip Moore’s CMA Music Fest debut on a TV special airing Monday August 12th on ABC-TV.

Before going on stage, Kip’s record label presented him a plaque to commemorate the night.  The plaque also recognizes the sale of more than 2 million tracks from his debut album.  The three songs are “Somethin’ ‘Bout a Truck,” “Beer Money,” and his latest “Hey Pretty Girl.”



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