Band Perry Impresses Mariah

| July 21, 2013

Idol GroupBack in May, The Band Perry performed on the finale of American Idol.  Live TV, 30 million viewers, plus the intimidation of the judges: Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj, Randy Jackson, and Keith Urban.  Kimberly described it this way to Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton: “It was a crazy experience and opportunity.  I remember the first poster I saw promoting American Idol, this brand new show, I was in Atlanta, and since that moment I was mesmerized by the concept.  From time to time, while we were starting, people would suggest trying out for American Idol, but we didn’t want to break up the band. But it was crazy.”  Younger brother Neil had a Mariah memory: “After the performance, I thought I was on fire during the entire performance, like I was extra great.  When it was over, Mariah Carey looked at me, she nodded, I nodded back, and a smile was on her face, and I thought, ‘Wow We had a moment!'”  Kimberly didn’t see it that way: “I think she was winking at Reid.  But I did spend the entire day trying to make ‘Done’ sound like a Nicki Minaj song.  I was practicing that in our trailer all day.”

LISTEN: 13-29 Perry2


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