Darius Defends Accidental Racist

| May 18, 2013

Darius Opry InviteDarius Rucker did several tours with Brad Paisley, and he’s described Brad as his best friend in the music business.   Brad made headlines last month with the song “Accidental Racist,” a duet with LL Cool J.  Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton spoke with Darius about Brad’s song: “Brad played the song for me early, and I got where they were going, and what they were doing, and the thing that bothered me so much about the reaction was the people who were calling Brad a racist for the song.  I actually went on Twitter and said if you think that, you have no idea what’s in Brad’s heart, and I know what’s in Brad’s heart.  He’s far from that.  I understood people that didn’t like the song, and the people who were calling him out and saying he was a racist, that I couldn’t handle, that was just wrong.”

Have you talked with him about the reaction?  “We talk.”  He got people talking about it, and that’s what it’s all about when you’re going to go out on a limb with a song like that, that’s what it’s all about is getting the conversation going.  And he definitely got the conversation going.”

LISTEN: 13-20 Darius3

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