Carrie Underwood’s 30th Birthday

| March 9, 2013

Carrie 8-28-12On Sunday, March 10th, Carrie Underwood celebrates her 30th birthday.  This weekend, she co-hosts Country Countdown USA, and speaks with Lon Helton about the milestone.  She was a little hesitant to talk about it at first: “We’re not gonna talk about that.  Oh come on.  It’s the one year anniversary of my 29th birthday!  I still feel like a college student.  I feel very immature most of the time so it’s really weird.”

Anything special planned? “I really just want to go out for a nice dinner with my husband.  There’s a lot going on, it’s in the middle of our tour, we head out right after that, so I only have two days out, and I have to do some laundry.  I just want to go out to a fabulous dinner, some giant ridiculously expensive dinner with the dumbest, most expensive bottle of wine.  Then Mike’s paying!  That is an awesome plan!  He’s actually in town without a game.”

LISTEN:  13-10 Carrie1

Listen to more of Lon’s interview with Carrie on our Audio page.


Category: Audio

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