Tim McGraw Is In Shape

| May 27, 2012

Tim McGraw has always been in pretty good shape.  He was an athlete in college and works out on the road.  But occasionally a movie role has required him to gain weight, as he did last year for Country Strong.  However, this year, Tim is definitely in fighting shape, and he’s made a few lifestyle changes now that he’s in his 40s.  He spoke about that with Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton: “About 4 years ago, I quit drinking, and I think the combination of quitting drinking, working out, changing my lifestyle, changing the way I eat.  As my daughters have gotten older, I realized I want to be around for a long time.  Being healthy and setting a good example has been important to Faith & I.  I want to have a long life to see them grow up and prosper and be happy, so that’s the most important thing to me to have a healthy lifestyle.”

As far as eating healthier, have you become a vegetarian? “No I’m not a vegetarian at all, and I love food, so part of my regimen of working out and running, I try to run before every show, I run 4 or 5 miles, and part of that is I get this picture in my head of a cheeseburger in my head, so I know if I run real hard, I can have that reward.”

LISTEN: 12-22 Tim3


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