Meet Jake Owen’s Girlfriend

| March 25, 2012

Jake Owen is in love, and he’s not ashamed to say it.  He’s happy to talk about it with Chelsea Handler on her show “Chelsea Lately,” and he then talked about it with Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton: “That’s right, I told her I have a pretty awesome girlfriend.  And I really do.  My whole life since this last summer, with Barefoot Blue Jean Night, Lacey was in that video, and everything clicked in my world, and it’s been great ever since.”  Lon asked the country music star, Was it always that way?  Didn’t you break up for a while before that?  Jake replied, “Yes, she was in my Eight Second Ride video three years ago, and then she blew me off, and then I knew the only way to get her back to Nashville to see me was I wanted her to be in my video, and it worked, so she fell into my trap!”

LISTEN:  12-13 Jake1

So Jake’s girlfriend appeared in the video for Barefoot Blue Jean Night, but when it came time to make his latest video, Alone With You, they cast Miss USA 2009: “That was not an easy conversation to have with my girlfriend.  I told her before I made the video, ‘I’m gonna have to make out with this girl, and it’s gonna be weird, and I want you to know this won’t have anything to do with our relationship.’  She was so cool, she was like, ‘I understand,’ and then she SAW the video, and it looked like were gonna have a baby!  So she says, ‘I knew you were gonna make out with her, but I didn’t know you were gonna bite her lip!’ I got into it!  Lon, when I get into something I give it 100% effort, I didn’t want to let that lady down!”  Did she ask why she couldn’t be in that video? “No, she didn’t see herself in that role.  She was cool about it, I gotta give her credit.”


Category: Audio, VIDEO

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