Taylor’s Written 25 New Songs!

| November 12, 2011

It’s only been about a year since Taylor Swift released her 3rd album Speak Now.  It’s been a success with over 3 million copies sold, and its first 3 singles have gone to #1.  Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton asked Taylor if she’s begun work on her fourth album: “I’m 25 songs into the next record.  I’m excited about them, and so excited about being this far along in the writing process, because I take two years to make a record, and I’ve written a lot in the first year so far.  So albums shape up the way they shape up, and me & my producer have been in the studio a lot, making demos, forming the plan of what this record is going to be, because every one of my records has had its own theme.  This one’s going to be it’s own thing. 

Lon then asked, anything you can say about the shape it’s taking? “No not at all.  Thanks!”  Timetable? “I just like to take two years, so as long as I get my two years, we can put it out any time after that.”

So when do you write?  When do you find the time? “There’s something going on every day.  On the web site, all you see are show days.  Especially now, there are a million things going on every day, but that’s how I operate the best.”  What’s the writing process like?  Do you call yourself? “When I have melody ideas, I record them in my phone so I won’t forget them.  But if something hits me real hard, I write it exactly when I get the idea or save it til I get alone.  I write a lot at the middle of the night.  That’s how it’s been.  I’ve written songs on the place, on the bus, but I need to be alone and I need an instrument.  I have a baby Taylor guitar and it can be anywhere.  Sometimes I’ll be lucky enough to have a piano if a hotel puts a piano in the room.”

LISTEN HERE:  11-46 Taylor7


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