Rodney Atkins Honors His Hero

| October 2, 2011

The Academy of Country Music held their annual Honors in Nashville a few weeks ago.  Rodney Atkins was on hand to perform in honor of his musical hero Garth Brooks.  Lon Helton asked Rodney about Garth on Country Countdown USA: “Garth is the guy who not only influenced me musically, but inspired me to chase my musical dreams.  My thing was I didn’t think I could get up in front of people and sing.  I had stage fright.  Garth inspired me to overcome my stage fright.  Beyond the music, he’s a great man.  I think he inspired a lot of folks.  It was an honor.”

Rodney Atkins performed Garth’s first single, “Much Too Young” on the ACM Honors.  Lon asked Rodney if he remembered the first time he heard that song. “I was working as a delivery guy, and the song came on the radio, and I went to the store to buy it.  That’s what Garth did.  He made you want to buy the album.  He made me want to sing songs that would touch people’s lives.  I always keep in mind, WWGD: What Would Garth Do.”

Listen: 11-40 Rodney1

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