Blake To Miranda: I Will Cheat!

| October 28, 2011

When Blake Shelton married Miranda Lambert, it was for better or worse, in sickness and heath, for richer or poorer.  But apparently there was one small exception.  Blake is an avid hunter, and he told Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton that hunting is an issue in their marriage: “Every year for the last five years or so, we’d have this big fight around the middle of November, she’d go, ‘All you ever do is talk about deer.  I’m tired of deer hunting.’  So this year I set her down and said, ‘Listen, I’m going to hunt my face off this fall.  So when it comes to be the middle of November, don’t start the deer fight with me again.  All you’re gonna do is give me an excuse to stay in the woods and not come back to the house.  I am going to cheat on you with deer every year for the rest of my life.'”

Lon then pointed out that Miranda’s new album is coming out in November, so she’ll be busy doing media promoting her new album. “That’s right she can’t chew me out.  I’m gonna chew her out!  ‘All you ever do is promote albums!’  Good thinking Lon.  That’s how you’ve survived so long in a marriage.  You gotta throw it back at ’em when you can!”

 LISTEN TO BLAKE: 11-44 Blake6

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