Justin’s Big Apple Bass Boat

| July 9, 2011

Justin Moore is a country boy from a small town in Arkansas.  He loves to fish in his bass boat.  So what better way to launch his second album than bring his bass boat to New York City?  “Imagine this: I stuck out like a sore thumb.  Can you believe it? I could see the thought bubbles above their heads, ‘Oh look at this hillbilly in his natural habitat even though he’s in New York City.’ The label asked, ‘What do you want to do?’ And I said, ‘Something we’ve never done before.’ They said, ‘What about New York City?’ They said, ‘What do you wanna do up there?’  I said ‘Fish.”  So we teamed up with the NRA and put a bass boat in the middle of the lake in Central Park, and I thought it was visually cool because you could see the skyline behind us, and it was pretty neat.” 

Justin brought his wife Kate and daughter Ella with him to New York, and they got to sample the shopping experience on Fifth Avenue.   “My wife and daughter went to FAO Schwartz, the famous toy store and do the ‘big piano,’ the one where Tom Hanks got to play the piano with his feet in the movie Big, so she loved that.”

LISTEN: 11-28 Justin3


Category: Audio, NEWS

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