McGraw: Mamas Made Faith Cry

| August 16, 2014

Tim Faith 4-6-14Tim McGraw’s current hit is a duet with his wife Faith Hill.  The two love singing together, but don’t overdo it.  It usually takes a special song to bring them together.  Tim told Country Countdown USA’s Lon Helton that “Meanwhile Back At Mamas” was such a song:

So how do you decide when to do a duet?  We never want to do it gratuitously, we always want to sing together when it’s the right moment and the right song, and when this song came along, she actually cried when she first heard it.  It’s just a special song, and you hear it, you know it’s special, you know it’ll have an impact on a lot of fans, it had an impact on us, and just felt like the right song to sing together.  And when she sings on a song, she raises it to another level.  I’m sort of an artisan when I sings on something, but she sings it becomes real art.

Was there a particular line that made Faith cry?  For both of us it was the last line, ‘Me & you back at mama’s.’ Just the last line of the song ties it all back together, makes it come home, makes you take a breath because sometimes we get so busy and too caught up with the problems we have, we just have to realize we’re very fortunate to have each other, and our families, and the people we love.

Is there a place like that for the two of you?  Maybe it’s not mama’s but a place that takes the two of you back to early days?  Home is one place.  We go to Faith’s parents as much as possible, and we go to a catfish house in Star Mississippi, and that’ll put you back home.

So what did your mom think when you played her this song?  I think mom loves this song.  She feels about it the same way we do.  But she loves Faith a lot more than she loves me, so when Faith’s singing, she automatically loves it.

How’s this song been to do on the road? When we first stated the tour, people we’re too familiar with it, but now, in the last few weeks, it’s become this phenomenon, with everybody singing along.  I do it semi-acoustically, I sit down on the edge of the stage, and Faith has only sung this with me a few times, and everybody expects her to come out and sing it with me, but I think people get lost in the song.  I think everybody attaches themselves to it, and that’s what special music does.  You can relate to it on a lot of different levels, and no matter where you’re from, the sentiment of the song is something everybody can relate to and have nostalgia for.


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