Did Hunter Hayes Prank Carrie?

| May 4, 2014

hunterhayes-carrieunderwoodHunter Hayes spent all of last year on the road with Carrie Underwood.  When she was Lon Helton’s co-host on Country Countdown USA, she told him a story about what happened at the end of the Blown Away Tour: “One of the last nights, I had a girl come into the meet & greet, and she said, ‘I just met Hunter Hayes, and I asked him if there was anything I should tell Carrie, because I’m in her meet & greet, and he told me that he’s got some good pranks lined up for you.’  And I hadn’t thought about pranks.  So we came up with the screaming sheep.  But we do that to them, and they don’t do anything to us.  So now I feel really bad, because the only reason I pranked you was because I was told you were going to prank me.”

Lon played that story for Hunter, and his response was: “Even if she didn’t do anything to us, I felt like the rest of the team had, and we had some fantastic ideas.  But I’m not a prankster either, because I don’t like being pranked.  It could get ugly”  Lon said to Hunter, I think the real prankster is the fan who passed the message. Hunter replied, “Well they actually just relayed the message.”  Lon asked, So you actually told the person that? Hunter responded, “I, I, I may have…I did.  Because I was told some of the people on the crew had some crazy ideas.  And we had some crazy ideas too.  So my plan to get out of all the pranks backfired significantly.  We had some fun ideas, but we didn’t want to mess with it. Then when we had the big one at the top of the show, I wished we would have gone with it.  Whatever.” So what did Carrie do to you?  “Flag on the play.  Improper use of video screens.  We have this moment when I scream in this one song, and the screaming goats came on the video screen.  Oh well.”

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